The Salient Blog

Company news & random thoughts

Our Destinations


Spain, the gateway to the European continent, is also the happiest destination in the Mediterranean, sunnier days, and an advanced infrastructure that puts it at the top as one of the most developed countries for tourism. It is a universe…
Diego Bianco
8 February, 2023
Nuestros Destinos


Ubicada en el extremo sur del continente, comparte fronteras con Uruguay, Brasil, Paraguay, Bolivia y Chile. Es el segundo país más grande de Sudamérica con un área total de 2.8 millones de km2, 3800 km en longitud de norte a…
8 February, 2023
Nuestros Destinos


Ocupa el 43% de Sudamérica y tiene fronteras con todos los países de Sudamérica, excepto Chile y Perú. Su lengua oficial es el portugués. Debido a su gran extensión tiene una gran variedad de etnias, culturas y paisajes. Sus playas…
Diego Bianco
7 February, 2023
Our Destinations


Colombia has become a very attractive destination, endowed with an extraordinary variety of ecosystems, a rich cultural scene, excellent gastronomy and first-rate accommodation, for an amazing exploration journey. A star that is shining on the continent. Its capital Bogotá, with…
Diego Bianco
7 February, 2023
Our Destinations


Bolivia, located at the heart of South America, is a fascinating and mysterious country, marked by the majesty of the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. Traveling through Bolivia is a unique experience. Discover its surprising capital La Paz, the highest…
Diego Bianco
6 February, 2023
Nuestros Destinos


Chile es un país único, con una geografía inusual y variedad de climas que se extienden desde las alturas de Atacama en el norte, considerado el desierto más seco del mundo e idílicos paisajes de lagos y bosques al borde…
6 February, 2023
Our Destinations


Peru is one of the most varied countries in the world. A multicultural territory, full of traditions, with an award-winning gastronomy, vast nature reserves and some of the main archaeological gems in the world. It has 12 world heritages recognized…
Diego Bianco
5 February, 2023
Nuestros Destinos


Si bien es un país pequeño en territorio, Uruguay se encuentra estratégicamente ubicado entre Argentina, Brasil y el Océano Atlántico. Su economía se basa en gran parte del turismo.Su paisaje ondulado, de suaves colinas atravesadas por ríos. A lo largo…
5 February, 2023
Our Destinations


Located on the southern tip of the continent, bordering with Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile, is the second largest country in South America, with a total area of 2.8 million km2, 3800 km in length and 1425 km from…
Diego Bianco
4 February, 2023